Its summer and strangely enough this year South Florida is actually one of the coolest places in the country this year. That being said it’s still really hot outside and the last thing I am wanting to do is turn on the big oven so we have been doing a lot of dinners that are nothing more than a grilled protein like fish or chicken and a simple salad. It may be hot manning the grill in this weather but using the grill keeps the heat outside where it belongs. Don’t feel bad for my husband he gets a nice cool cocktail for one hand and grilling tongs for the other, I know how to keep him happy while he mans the grill.
These simple dinners have been pretty common for the last two months so the stepdaughters are totally over the standard green salad so I have been getting creative. I have been adding fruit, getting different kinds of lettuces, putting in no lettuce at all, and using all the wonderful produce that is in season this time of year. Well this avocado mango salad was one of the most popular I have created yet, the little bit of leftover was quickly devoured in two ways: scooped up on tortilla chips and spooned over black beans and rice. Finding nice ripe mangoes, tomatoes, and avocados has been really easy and affordable this year so why not use seasonal items in our dinners.
If you have not worked with a mango much don’t worry they are really simple to handle. The large almond shaped pit is in the center of the fruit just below the stem, so just slice about a half inch over from the stem all the way to the bottom on each side. The two mounds of mango you have cut will have about 90 percent of the eatable fruit. Then score the flesh of the fruit horizontally and then vertically, next pop the fruit inside out and use a small knife to cut the cubes of flesh free from the fruit’s skin. You can use almost the exactly same system for an avocado: slice in half, pop out the pit, score the flesh to make cubes or slices, and then use a large serving spoon to scoop out all the flesh.

Avocado Mango Salad
- 2 ripe mangos
- 2 ripe avocados
- Half a red or purple onion
- 2-3 to matoes
- Small handful parsley
- Juice of half an orange
- Large pinch salt
Dice all the ingredients into small bite sizes pieces. If the tomato is really liquidly scoop the gooey seeds out with your fingers so they don’t drowned your salad. Leave the avocado for the last item to dice up so that it will not have time to brown up before you squeeze the juice of the orange over it. Don’t forget the salt it helps the flavors meld together and helps highlight the sweetness of the mango. After you add the orange juice and salt toss the salad gently to mix well. This salad will not have a long shelf life so plan on eating it in about one or two days.