Almost anytime I make a whole chicken or turkey I will take the ten minutes to throw together a batch of homemade chicken stock in the Crock-pot. I save the liquid and the giblets that were in the bottom of the roasting pan and use it as base for my chicken stock. If you have made dressing with the giblets or gravy with the pan drippings your stock will come out just fine without them. After removing all the meat from the bird, save the carcass and any veggies that were roasted inside the chicken for the Crock-pot. Do be sure to discard any citrus that might make the stock bitter. If no one eats the wings toss those into the stock pot as well, lots of great flavors in there. Then simply add some fresh veggies and herbs, whatever you have on hand will work let it cook in the Crockpot and you are done. Homemade stock makes all the differences in soups so keeping a frozen bag of stock in the freezer will make you that much better of a cook.

How to Make Homemade Chicken Stock
- 1 chicken or turkey carcass giblets and roasting pan drippings
- 3-4 ribs of celery
- 2-3 carrots
- 2-3 onions
- 1 cup white wine
- Salt and pepper
- Fresh herbs rosemary, parsley, sage, cilantro or anything else
- 3 cloves peeled garlic
- 8-10 cups of water
I make my stock in a Crock-pot, it’s so simple.
Clean all the veggies, peel the carrots, and then rough chop everything into thirds. Toss all the ingredients and chicken carcass into the Crock-pot, cover with water. Heat to a boil put the lid on and let it cook with the lid on for 8-12 hours. Taste the stock and adjust salt to taste.
Turn off the heat and let the stock cool enough that you can handle the pot without burring yourself. Then strain the broth from the carcass and veggies. I will strain it twice normally. For the first strain I use a huge mixing bowl with my colander resting over it to make the process simpler. For the second strain I pour the broth through a sieve and into the glass container that I will chill it in. Discard all the chicken and veggies.
Cool the stock in the fridge, skim the fat from the top of the cold stock. Then freeze the stock in plastic bags until ready to use it.