It’s finally finished! The cookbook is all scanned, annotated and ready to go. It’s a big file but with public sharing on Dropbox I will have no problems getting it passed around to all the family. I had a few problems with getting the indexes just the way I wanted them and that took some time and trial and error. I knew whatever I selected had to work both in Adobe reader and if one of my relatives printed it out so I am now happy with what I have. Below is a small selection from the 75 page completed document. The final result is a wonderful piece of family history that we can all now use and enjoy to bring a little bit of Grandma Swan to the next generations.
Click here to see part of Grandmas Cookbook PDF
I truly loved this project it was a combination of many of my favorite interests: cooking, history, and technology. I plan to start testing and featuring some of these recipes on my web site as I share Grandmas wonderful food with my new family that did not know Grandma Swan while she was alive.
I was so excited to work on this project that I would be thrilled to help other families create their own cookbook.
If you are interested in commissioning me to preserve your family cooking archive please contact me through this page. I have options that include recipe testing and high quality commercial printing of the completed book.
Read how this project began here.